Many parents enjoy capturing and sharing newborn pictures of their children, and Patricia Williams was no different. She took loving photos of her albino son, but sharing those pictures brought an unexpected shock.
In 2012, Patricia gave birth to her son Redd, who was born with striking white hair. It wasn’t until he was two months old that she began noticing unusual traits. His eyes moved side to side, prompting her husband Dale to research the issue online. What he discovered was startling: this was a symptom commonly associated with albinism.
Neither Patricia nor Dale had heard of albinism before, but Redd displayed all the typical signs—pale skin, white hair, and wandering eyes. They consulted optometrists and genetic specialists, who confirmed that Redd had Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 1 (OCA1), a rare condition affecting about 1 in 17,000 people worldwide.
Patricia recalled how hospital staff marveled at Redd’s white hair and blue eyes when he was born, but she initially thought nothing of it since her family had naturally blonde hair. It wasn’t until Redd’s hair appeared to sparkle in sunlight and his unusually blue eyes reflected red under certain lights that she began to suspect something unique.
Her realization deepened when her second son, Rockwell, was born in 2018 with the same condition. Unfortunately, Rockwell’s newborn photos were stolen and turned into cruel memes on social media, highlighting the challenges their family faced.
Redd also endured bullying at school for looking different, but his older brother Gage became his protector. By the time Rockwell was born, the family was more knowledgeable about albinism and better prepared. However, they weren’t ready for their baby’s photos to be used as memes. Initially, Patricia and Dale tried to get the images removed but quickly realized the task was impossible. Instead, they shifted their focus to raising awareness about albinism to combat ignorance and promote acceptance.
When Redd’s diagnosis was first confirmed, Patricia worried about how he would be treated for being different and how his condition might affect their family dynamic. Albinism meant Redd’s skin burned easily, and he could be legally blind.
Patricia explained that Rockwell drew attention because babies with white hair are rare, and his hair, which stood straight up, was particularly noticeable. After Rockwell’s photos went viral, Patricia received a wave of followers asking about his condition. She realized many people knew little about albinism, often relying on inaccurate portrayals from movies. This inspired her to educate others and raise awareness.
Redd underwent eye surgery to correct strabismus, transitioning from a school for blind children to a public one. The surgery proved transformative, reducing the need for an eye patch, which would have drawn more unwanted attention. Over time, Redd’s friends began to see his differences as minor. They simply knew he needed a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to play outside—otherwise, he was like any other child.
Both Redd and Rockwell have flourished. On April 28, 2023, Patricia shared a video of Rockwell during his school’s “Western Day,” where he received an outpouring of love and compliments online. Patricia also debunked the misconception that people with albinism have red eyes, explaining that they often have light blue eyes due to a lack of pigment.
Today, both boys are thriving and living their best lives. This remarkable family has turned their challenges into opportunities to spread understanding and acceptance.
We’re so happy for this wonderful family. Share their inspiring story with your friends—everyone will appreciate it!