If you’ve ever stood anxiously by an airport baggage carousel, scanning for your suitcase among countless others that look exactly the same, you know the stress it can cause. Many travelers have resorted to tying ribbons or other markers to their luggage to make it stand out, but an airport worker warns that these personal touches might come with unexpected consequences.
Keep reading to discover why you should avoid using ribbons and steer clear of packing marzipan in your luggage!
The Problem with Ribbons
While colorful ribbons are a popular way to distinguish luggage, a Dublin Airport baggage handler named John has revealed that they might actually cause more harm than good.
Speaking to RSVP Live, John explained, “Ribbons that people tie onto their suitcases to help identify them can cause issues with the bag being scanned in the baggage hall. If the bag can’t be scanned automatically, it may end up requiring manual processing, which could delay your luggage or even prevent it from making it onto your flight.”
To give your suitcase the best chance of arriving with you, John advises against using ribbons or old travel stickers that might confuse the scanning process. Instead, ensure your luggage is clean and free of any unnecessary identifiers.
The Marzipan Mistake
Another surprising travel tip from John: never pack marzipan in your luggage. This sweet almond treat, despite its innocent appearance, shares the same density as certain explosives and could trigger security alarms. “If you pack marzipan, your bag could be flagged, removed from the plane, and you might be called for a search,” John warned.
Protecting Your Luggage
Before handing over your suitcase, John also suggests placing it wheels-side-up on the conveyor belt to minimize the risk of damage during handling.
For better visibility at baggage claim without using ribbons, consider investing in luggage with a unique design or bold colors. Vibrant hues like hot pink or patterned prints can help your suitcase stand out without interfering with airport scanners. If you prefer to stick with your current luggage, you can personalize it with fabric paint or stickers that won’t disrupt the scanning process.
A Final Thought
With these tips from the Dublin Airport handler, you can reduce travel stress and improve your chances of a hassle-free baggage experience.
Do you have any travel tips to avoid airport mishaps? Share your thoughts with us, and don’t forget to pass this story along to hear what others recommend!
Also, a bonus story making waves online: a woman finds a hidden suitcase behind a wall in her house, only to discover a creepy doll inside—what would you do in her shoes? Share your thoughts!